This ongoing project features a series of abstract artworks created on Avery stickers, utilizing a limited color palette of red, white, and black. With anxiety at an all-time high during COVID, I both flourished and spiraled at the same time. It was not much of a rollercoaster as inter turmoil tends to be.. Perhaps it falls into the old adage “If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” If there is no one around to witness your rollercoaster of emotion, are you truly on one?
Project 1
After realizing that I really enjoyed the duality and unconventionality of working both on murals and small stickers, I decided to fully commit to creating another series. Project 2 stretches the limits of my circa early 2000s college color theory classes. This was also the first time where my small artwork and my mural referenced each other see here.
Project 2